I am a mom who loves information about children. Years before I was a mom, I was consuming information about parenting. I spent hours reading "mommy blogs" like Mighty Girl, Dooce, Girls Gone Child and watching Momversation videos. I...
  This past June we finished PreK through a local elementary. Though it was my daughter who got the certificate, I say “we,” because y’all know it takes a village with those take-home folders, class parties, wake-up times ... the...

Back to School Survival Guide

Military Moms Blog, the premier online military parenting website, has created a mom-approved back to school survival guide! Here at Military Moms Blog, there are few things we love more than providing the absolute best resources for military moms while...
We moved to a new city right after spring break last year. My kids were almost done with their school year, and they had to begin again at a new school. It was particularly rough on them. My sixth...
Back to school is a busy time with buying school supplies, sports physicals, teacher meetings, open houses, clothes shopping and more. But if you’re the parent of an allergy child, you have additional tasks; trips to the allergist, putting...
  Dear food allergy parent, I see you at new parent orientation. I see you sink down a little in your seat as the teacher tells the parents that this preschool is peanut and tree nut free. I see your face turning...
How in the name of summer time is it back-to-school season already?! Please tell me I’m not the only one who feels like she blinked and the lazy days of summer vanished. No seriously, validaaate meeeeee. You might not believe it,...
Dear Moms, During this season of Thanksgiving, I would like to encourage you to talk to your kids about something that may not be a typical dinner-table conversation topic. I want you to talk to them about the Other Kids. My daughter...
When you have a baby, every well-intentioned veteran parent you meet tells you that these days will go by too fast. That if you blink, you'll miss it; that the days may be long but that the years will...
In some ways, college hasn't changed all that much in the past 20, OK ... 23 years since I went away to school. Dorms still provide students with only the bare bones of necessities that include a bed, a...
"I'm so ready for summer!" "Thank goodness the school year is almost over!" "Bring on summer break!" These are things I never understood when I was a working mom. Life never really changed for us during the summer, except for figuring out...
It’s a funny thing, this military life … despite being a teacher, I rarely actually teach. Instead, I often find myself occupying other roles: stay-at-home mom, PTO volunteer, FRG leader, etc. And while these are all fulfilling in their own...

Military Lifestyle

How to Embrace Winter

I remember our first winter here in the Midwest. As a born and raised New Englander, I didn’t flinch. I knew it would be...

Boots In The House