
Emily is a wife, mom, exercise enthusiast and world traveler who happened upon this military life much like any one of you. A whirlwind romance, two kids, seven years and five moves later, she is living the dream in Argentina as she travels the world with her family … at least for the next two years. This crazy life has brought many laughs, many moves, a few deployments, countless TDYs and some tears, but she would not trade it for the world. A 'sometimes annoyingly so' optimist, she can turn any thought into a song, and you will always find her dancing. So next time you're boogieing thru Buenos Aires, send her an email and she would love to show you around.

Traveling with Kids: 5 Tips to Make it Easier and (Almost) Stress-Free

Gone are the days when I can just pack a small carry-on, drink my coffee, and read a book while I wait for my...

The Absolute Last Thing I Want to Hear: “You signed up for this”

I know that I cannot be the only one who has heard this. And to be honest, I have heard it one too many...