For moms and dads in military families, teaching your children be even a shade more independent can be a game changer. Though potty training may feel like a massive undertaking, the freedom from diapers is just glorious. Fewer diapers to...
  St. Patrick's Day Crafts are some of the most pinned crafts you can find on Pinterest. With parents grasping for ideas while we continue to try and stay home, here are a few you may not have considered.  As an English...
Welcome to our newest series. In "Friday Favorites," our team will share a handful of favorite items. These can range from clothes to beauty products to recipes to books and anything in between. If your toddler is anything like mine,...
This is part two of a series about extended breastfeeding. To read part one, click here. Growing up, I had very little exposure to breastfeeding. My mother did not breastfeed and I recall seeing one family friend breastfeeding once when I...
disney castle silhouette

The Princess Problem

Are princesses a problem? More than ever, I hear my friends saying in hushed tones, "We're trying to avoid the whole princess thing." And while I'm all for flipping the narrative of the helpless maiden awaiting rescue, it's hard for me...
How many books can one mom read aloud to her children?  Five? Ten? Seven hundred and thirty-eight? COVID-19 is helping me find out. Before social distancing and days devoid of storytime, we probably read two books together. Sometimes more, sometimes less....
In the UK, schools are out for summer break at the end of July. For a whole six weeks. And that isn't including the eleven weeks prior to that where schools were (and for the most part still) closed for...
They say that with age comes wisdom. I think most of what we figure out about life as adults is what we’ve forgotten from childhood. We grow older and tend to forget some of the better lessons and experiences...
When my toddler refused to walk after a fall, I took her to the ER doing my due diligence. I didn't know what was wrong, but I was unprepared for a broken bone and cast. We sat on the paper-covered...
You walk into your toddlers’ room and you see him dumping all his toys on the floor. He’s not engaging in any of the toys he’s dumped but merely stumbling through the mess. You go down to his level and...
While I can’t speak for everyone, I can tell you that I am routinely humbled by motherhood. I’ve taken to saying I’m #nailingit as a mother whenever my best-laid plans go awry. Social media makes motherhood look effortless. We all...
Before I had children, I was buying books. As a preschool teacher, I took advantage of the book orders sent to my classroom and ordered way too many for a person without children, who was not a librarian. Now...

Military Lifestyle

National Women’s Healthy Weight Day

Today is National Women's Healthy Weight Day. On this day, today January 16th or the third Thursday in January, is a day to reflect...

Boots In The House