To the new military spouse: I see you. You are standing by the wall at a squadron function. You alternate between timid and brazen, depending on your personality. Your eyes flit over every person there. You stay close to your significant...
  Dining Out, Formal Mess, Military Ball -- whichever your branch does, there’s probably one coming up in your near future. On the fence about going to a formal military event? Here are my reasons why you should attend! Go to the...
It was my most difficult goodbye. We spent a month leaving jobs and schools; friends and people who had became family; favorite places and foods. I ate more currywurst und pommes and drank more espresso doppio and Hefeweizen than...
Calling all new and expecting moms! We couldn’t be happier that Bloom, a celebration of all things motherhood, is coming to Pensacola! We are so excited to partner with Sacred Heart Hospital to host our first annual Bloom. Saturday, May...
You told me you were deploying today. I wasn't that surprised. It comes with the job. You were due. We were due. It was time. We’ve been so fortunate for the several years without one, though time away was...
Most people hear the word “retirement” and think of something that happens later in life. Generally, it is a time where one stops working and lives off of a company pension, retirement plan, or savings. It evokes images of...
When I Said I Didn’t Want To Celebrate Valentine’s Day, What I Really Meant Was… Why I stopped celebrating Valentine’s Day I stopped celebrating Valentines’ Day when I was in my 20s and dating a dashing man who was excellent at...
  Recently, when I was in line at the grocery store, I picked up a magazine that boasted "Person of the Year" on the front cover. I could guess what I was about to encounter as I opened up to...
On December 6, 2018, my husband burst through our front door much earlier than I was expecting him. He had been on duty all night, and I had not seen or heard from him since the day before. He...
The perfect mother: a title bestowed upon the best moms and coveted by many. This woman can balance everything. Her children are carefully dressed and well-behaved. She can manage a career and be present at home and for all...
My earliest memory of taking photos was when I was 15 years old. I borrowed my dad’s Sony Mavica he used for work. It was my first digital camera, and it recorded photos on a floppy disk. I thought...
My family and I enjoy holidays, but we love the Christmas season. The lights and decorations; the cheer and spirit; the food and family. Something about this time of year and season is just a little magical. I look forward...

Military Lifestyle

How to Embrace Winter

I remember our first winter here in the Midwest. As a born and raised New Englander, I didn’t flinch. I knew it would be...

Boots In The House