December 1st is National Women Support Women Day, one of the many thousands of celebrations we've attached to a calendar day that most of us never knew existed. And while I'm all for a day to celebrate pancakes, pirates,...
I'm holding his pudgy, grimy little hand, feeling his nerves flow through me. We're sitting on the outskirts of the playground at his new school, and I keep whisper-begging, "Let's just get a popsicle. All the other kids are...

Be A Friend

As the school year started, I decided I needed to revamp my boys’ chore chart.  I wanted them to work on creating good habits that aligned with our new schedule.  I also wanted to put an emphasis on the...

Invite Her Anyway

"Do you want to come over this morning?" I rushed out on the phone, half expecting my late invitation to be turned down. "Yes, actually that's exactly what I need today. I can be there after you drop the...
I don’t know about you, but there is something special about the National Anthem that just gets to me. I'm talking full on sob, ugly cry emotions. It's the immense feeling of absolute pride and belonging that overcomes me....
Karla has held a unique and special place in my life since I was in the fifth grade. She was my history teacher that year. Her humor, candor, and compassion immediately drew me to her. I loved sitting in...
  I don't know how to say goodbye to my silent companion. The dog I didn't want but now love. He saw me through every step of our military life and was a welcome friend when I had no one....
They say it takes a village to raise a child…but how do you go about finding your village?! Do they just turn up, or do you need to fill out an application? I’m joking, of course.  But finding your village...
I love to take meals to people. You got a sick kid? Lemme bring you a meal. Your husband is in the field all week, you have a dentist appointment, speech, and soccer to take your kids too? Girl,...
It was a beautiful evening at our neighborhood base playground, and as usual I was pushing my twins and watching the sun set while making small talk with another new neighbor. I love PCS season- the chance to connect...
“I don’t know what to do,” my 11 year old said as she plopped down at the kitchen table. “About what?” I asked her. “About my friend. I mean, I think we’re friends. I don’t know. I don’t know if I...
My daughter will be turning eight next month. She recently asked me if we would be moving again since her birthday is coming up. We’re not moving but let me explain why she thought we might be.    Two out of...

Military Lifestyle

National Women’s Healthy Weight Day

Today is National Women's Healthy Weight Day. On this day, today January 16th or the third Thursday in January, is a day to reflect...

Boots In The House