The Military Mom Collective

The Military Mom Collective

5 Lessons I Learned During My No-Spend Challenge

My husband deployed in August 2017 for nine months just three weeks after our daughter was born. To help the time pass more quickly, I brainstormed a list of personal growth challenges. I was...

The Struggle to Thrive in Uncertainty

I still remember the planner my homeroom teacher passed out the first week of middle school. The size of a spiral notebook, it had daily sections for recording assignments, monthly calendars, and reference pages...

My 48-Hour Pregnancy

There is one thing I know definitively; you are pregnant for nine months for a reason. For those of you who have been pregnant, consider all the thoughts that began to go through your mind...

When Military Retirement Strikes Early: How to Retire Right

My husband was on flight duty when I received the 2:00 a.m. phone call. We were stationed at the infamous Ft. Drum in Upstate New York. We had been there only a short three...

The High-flying Balancing Act of Military Life

“Kick the leaves, kick the leaves, kick the leaves!” I sing in a made-up cadence as I hold my 1-year-old’s hand and watch his chubby feet scatter the discarded, crunchy foliage around us. After...

Why Uttering “Me,Too” Is So Difficult, But Not Impossible

Recent revelations about sexual misconduct in Hollywood have breathed new life into the #MeToo movement. The hashtag is circulating all over social media to encourage victims of sexual assault to speak out about their...

5 Sweaters to Liven Up Your Wardrobe … Because It’s STILL Sweater Weather

The weather outside is still frightful, and, honestly, so is the state of my closet. I have a deep love of sweaters. Turtleneck, oversize, colorful … I love them all! But my closet is...

Why Winter Is The Best Season to Travel to Ireland

When someone says "winter vacation," I highly doubt the idea of going to Ireland is high on the priority list. However, our family of four spent nine glorious days traveling southern Ireland over winter...

5 Pairs of Shoes You Need In Your Closet Right Now

Let’s get real. We all get up every morning, get dressed in a hurry to drop the kids at school and/or head to work. The one thing that can make or break the “outfit...

September: A Month Attached to a Stigma

Most people probably could not tell you when Suicide Prevention Awareness Month is. Most people probably could not tell you anything about why suicide occurs. The stigma surrounding mental health and suicide is very much...

A Mom’s Guide to Fall Fashion 2017

I'll be the first to admit it. I still love to play dress up. I promised myself after I weaned my second child that I would not be a mom who looked like a...

That Time My Husband Was on a Hit List

We all have certain memories and moments that we will never forget. I remember where I was on 9/11. I remember my wedding day and the days my children were born. I also remember the...