Rachel Carpenter

Rachel Carpenter
Rachel has been an Air Force spouse for 17 years. Her husband's career had taken them to many assignments around the world, and she currently lives in Hawaii. She is a mother of four children; their ages range from fifteen to four years old, so her life is often exciting and challenging. She holds a BA in English and a MA in Management. When not busy with work or her family, she enjoys volunteering within the military community and has even been a Key Spouse at two stations. Rachel has always enjoyed writing and literature, and she is happy to find this community to combine these interests. She has been featured on We Are The Mighty, Her View From Home, AMSE, The Beautifull Project, Hand-in-Hand QC, and other publications - but The Military Mom Collective is her home. :)
Lillie +Pine Valentine's products on pink background

Lillie + Pine: Making You Smile This Valentine’s Day!

I love receiving personal mail. Letters, postcards, packages...so long as it is not a dreaded bill, I get a thrill opening up something sent just to me. And Lillie + Pine packages are easily my...
Contributor Call graphic

Want to Join The Military Mom Collective? We Need Writers!

The Military Mom Collective is looking to add to our contributor team! Are you a military parent? Do you love to write and create? Do you enjoy connecting with other parents and collaborating with a...

December Book Club: The Huntress

Many of us in the MMC Book Club love historical fiction. It's an entertaining way to learn about events and times in the world through the eyes of fictional characters. Think less textbook learning...
office with a mint green and white background

Friday Favorites: Rachel’s Remote Work Essentials

Welcome to our newest series. In "Friday Favorites," our team will share a handful of favorite items. These can range from clothes to beauty products to recipes to books and anything in between. Many of...
November Book Club Review of Becoming

November Book Club: Becoming

We all know who Michelle Obama is. Former First Lady of the United States, wife, mother, healthy food and lifestyle advocate, speaker, attorney...her titles seem endless. https://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Michelle-Obama/dp/1524763136/ref=as_li_ss_il?crid=118K3FJ8X14OV&dchild=1&keywords=becoming+michelle+obama&qid=1607116572&sprefix=beco,aps,272&sr=8-1&linkCode=li2&tag=militarymomco-20&linkId=f52b11e3a5cfdee389d473b3a9738c9f&language=en_US%20target=_blankimg%20border=0%20src=//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=1524763136&Format=_SL160_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=militarymomco-20&language=en_US%20/aimg%20src=https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=militarymomco-20&language=en_US&l=li2&o=1&a=1524763136%20width=1%20height=1%20border=0%20alt=%20style=border:none%20!important;%20margin:0px%20!important; Yet in her autobiography Becoming, we were given a...

October Book Club: Final Flight Final Fight

When you hear the term WASP, what do you think of? If your first thought was not about the Women Airforce Service Pilots, don't fret. It's something I had not heard before I read our...
Friday Favorites Halloween Candy Substitutes

Friday Favorites-My Favorite Halloween Candy Substitutes

Welcome to our newest series. In "Friday Favorites," our team will share a handful of favorite items. These can range from clothes to beauty products to recipes to books and anything in between. Halloween is...
instant teams academy

Remote Work Is Here To Stay – Let Instant Teams Academy Help!

There have been many takeaways from 2020, and not all of them are negative. My favorite takeaway has been the increase in remote work opportunities. As more and more companies are required to take safety...
A Woman Is No Man

September Book Club: A Woman Is No Man

I enjoy reading stories that are fiction yet based in real life. The events may be altered, and the names may be entirely fake. The settings and the plot are at the discretion of...

August Book Club: Mrs. Everything

Jennifer Weiner is an accomplished fiction author. I have read several of her books, and they all include women who overcome trials and or adversity in many forms. These women are real. They have...
A Good Marriage

July Book Club: A Good Marriage

You've heard it before: every marriage or relationship has its ups and downs. Its lows and highs. Its triumphs and failures. And its secrets. But this month's book asks us, "What makes a 'good...

Friday Favorites – Affordable Eco-Friendly Switches

Welcome to our newest series. In "Friday Favorites," our team will share a handful of favorite items. These can range from clothes to beauty products to recipes to books and anything in between. As a...