Christian Knutson
10 Reasons To Love Fort Lee, Virginia
When my husband and I lived in Petersburg, Virginia, just outside of Fort Lee, we were fresh out of AIT (advanced individual training) and low in rank and worldly experience.
Our apartment complex, which shall...
You Do You: What My Dead Lawn Taught Me About Life
They say that comparison is the thief of joy, and darned if that little bugger doesn’t creep up everywhere in military life. Nowhere is comparison more evident than in the perfect succession of idyllic,...
My Top 5 Favorite Things About Home-schooling in the Military
Remember when your role in back-to-school shopping meant begging your mom to let you have a sweet new Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper and Five Star Notebooks? Such decadence.
As summer comes to a close and...
Make the Last Days of Summer ROCK!
Unless you've been living under a rock (pun totally intended), you've probably heard about or seen The Kindness Rocks Project (or one of its MANY offshoots) in action.
The concept is simple -- brighten someone's day...
Feeling Invisible in an Awards and Promotions Driven World
Won any awards lately? Any big promotions on the horizon? Eh, me either girl, you’re in good company here. It turns out we're not the only ones who struggle with feeling invisible, and with...