National Women’s Healthy Weight Day


Today is National Women’s Healthy Weight Day. On this day, today January 16th or the third Thursday in January, is a day to reflect on how you are healthy; physically, mentally and socially. Are you getting enough sleep, eating right and exercising?  A day to celebrate healthy weight for all women by accepting our natural body appearance and weight. Women’s Healthy Weight Day is a day to discourage the obsession with weight loss but to take a look at your overall health of yourself. In fact, you can improve your health using the suggestions I have listed below, and never see a change if your weight.

First let me just say “Ladies you look FABULOUS the way you are!” We all have our own beauty on the inside and out and don’t let anyone tell you differently. Secondly, I’m not an expert, just a 53-year-old wife and mom of four adult children who tries to be healthy for me and my family. All the scientific jargon I will leave to the experts.

Here are a few tips I have found helpful:

1. Get out there and move

I previously wrote a blog Keep Moving in 2024. This is a tip that I 100% follow daily. Doesn’t mean you have to go run a marathon, but to just move in any way that suits you. Today is the day to start an active lifestyle and continue it.

2. Stop the calorie count, but maybe keep track of what you eat

There a several ways out there to track your meals and activities. However, skipping meals to help lose weight is not the best idea to maintain a healthy weight. Sometimes it may cause you to gain more weight and deprive your body of proper nutrition.

3. Change your eating habits

Skip the fast food because it is convenient. Meal plan in advance and chose more veggies, fruit and protein. Anecdotally, I find that with an active lifestyle and a healthy diet I sleep much better. Try not to experiment with the latest diet fads that may not work best for you.

4. Accept yourself as you are

We would all love that ideal figure and be top notch in our fitness level. But what are we willing to risk to get there? You have to ask yourself is it worth it to go to the extreme? Little daily changes can turn into HUGE changes for you physically and mentally.

 Women’s Healthy Weight Day is the perfect day to take a look at you. Your habits and how you feel about you.  Avoid unhealthy habits that may lead to health problems down the road. Always consult your physician or a dietician for some help to make changes. Healthy women are happy women who get out there and move, stop counting calories, choose better eating habits and accept yourself.

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Jenn Smith
Hey I'm Jenn, NYer turned OKie after my husbands 30 year ARMY career. We have four pretty amazing adult kids, two of which are active duty soldiers, so yes we are "empty nesters" But that didn't last, we bought 40 acres called The Roost and a few chickens to fill that void. Though my career was Physical Therapy many years ago, I chose to stay at home with our kids during my husband's active duty career with lots of volunteering added to my resume. I dabbled in substitute teaching at many duty stations and started contract work with R. Riveter as a Remote Leather Riveter, RR131 :). I love to cook, garden, create garden/field to table recipes and listen to audiobooks while doing that. My goal is to "keep moving" so staying active as long as I can through running, yoga, biking is my go to, but I do enjoy a frothy cup of black coffee, a glass of wine and chips and salsa. Here with Military Mom Collective I want to inspire, guide, share tips and tricks that we have learned through our military journey. Also to help other empty nester moms out there who have kids that are active duty. It is a different ball game when your kids are active and deploying, but we can get through it together.


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