Welcome to our newest series. In “Friday Favorites,” our team will share a handful of favorite items. These can range from clothes to beauty products to recipes to books and anything in between.
Finding out you’re having your first baby can be overwhelming.
All the BuyBuyBaby, ToysRUs, and baby things start to blur in your head. Honestly, if you don’t have kids, what are all those things anyway? What do you register for? What would be worth the money? Well take one baby and add another one, and you have yourself a serious situation.
Finding out you’re having not one but TWO babies is one of the most heart-stopping moments of any twin parent’s life.
When we found out we were having twins, we had no idea where to start. We had never even looked at baby things, but now we had the responsibility of looking for DOUBLE the baby items. I dug through Pinterest and Facebook groups like it was my lifeline. Searching for all the advice and the baby registry must-haves I could find (and from a now semi-seasoned twin mom), here are the five things that were my must-haves for twin life.
Joovy Twin Roo+ Double Car Seat Stroller (Car seats and adapters sold separately)
Y’all, getting out as a new parent is already hard enough but twice as hard when you have twins in tow! This stroller was our saving grace for new twin parenting, and it made us feel like normal humans to be able to get out of the house and walk around. Joovy Twin Roo+ is light enough that even the single mom adventures were easy. You just open the stroller and snap it into place, (bonus you can even do this one-handed, tested, and tried), and then the car seats snap into the frame. The best part of this stroller is that the boys didn’t outgrow it until they outgrew their car seats!
Twin Z Pillow
With twins, two of everything becomes crowded quickly. Instead of two Boppys or two nursing pillows, we opted for the Twin Z Pillow and honestly, it was one of the best investments we made! We still have it to this day (our boys are now 3), and one is actually lounging on it as I write this! This pillow was where I put the boys to dual feed them bottles; this is where they hung out when they were awake as babies; it’s where they slept sometimes; now it’s even where I find myself propped up after they go to bed! This has been one of our favorite and must-have twin items!
Babysense Video Monitor – 2 cameras
Something I wish we had done earlier was to purchase two cameras for the boys’ room. Originally we had one camera that we scanned both cribs with one camera that was in the corner of the room. This method worked for a while, probably until the boys were about a year old. But when they started getting old enough to play in their cribs, it gave us peace of mind to have a camera on each so we could be sure they were both safe. Cameras can be expensive, but this bundle came with two cameras and has a wide-angle lens. And it didn’t break the bank! When everything is double the price and super expensive, I was happy with this purchase and that it saved us some money. The picture image is pretty good quality and has been very good for us in the last two years!
Lotus Travel Crib
This is not exactly a “twin” product, but they do offer a “multiples” discount. All you have to do is email customer service about buying more than one, and they will send you a promo code for checkout! This travel crib has been one of the best investments we’ve made as parents. We love to travel, and being in the military, traveling is something we find ourselves doing pretty often. It’s sometimes a nightmare to try and map out where everyone will sleep, but these light, compact travel cribs are much easier for us. Especially because we don’t have to carry TWO bulky pack-n-plays – can I get an Amen!?
This travel crib is still being used to this day, the boys are big enough to use the zip feature and crawl in and out (instead of climbing in and out like they like to do). And they’re so compact that we have no trouble throwing them in the back of the car with our luggage. It also has straps so you can wear them on your back if you need to!
The Nugget
Alright, y’all. This is also not a “twin” thing, but it seats both kids and keeps them both entertained for hours so it’s twin enough for me! The Nugget is hitting the world by storm and if you’ve heard of them, you know exactly what I’m talking about. They’re almost always sold out, and you even have to do a lotto just to buy one sometimes. But this was SO WORTH IT. The boys spend hours playing on this, making slides and jumping from one to another. We even use it as an ottoman!
What’s the big deal you might ask? I honestly have no idea why it’s so magical but based on how they are always sold out, everyone’s kids look at this and think YES. We bought this last year for Christmas, and it has not disappointed. We have even considered getting a second one! Yes, seriously. This thing keeps the boys entertained and has been worth every single penny.