No matter how you celebrate the holidays, you undoubtedly think of it as a special time of year. There are so many festive activities that mark the season: parties, home decorating, baking, watching classic holiday movies, taking time off from...
I love a good Hallmark movie. And let me clarify to say I am aware that the statement is an oxymoron. They all have the same plot, they all use the same sets, they even all have the same actors!...
If you don’t have food allergies and don’t know anyone with them, be thankful. And, if you have food allergies or love someone who has them, like I do, be thankful. Because of continuous research and education, food allergies...
It's been a rough year. From the global health issues of the pandemic to the economic and mental health effects of staying home to virtual school, 2020 has been hard (and that's an understatement). As this year comes to...
2020: between a global pandemic and resulting economic devastation, homeschool/virtual school, trying to work from home, social upheaval, violence and protests, and election year with all its own sensitivities and frustrations, the past eight months have been a struggle...
Welcome to our newest series. In "Friday Favorites," our team will share a handful of favorite items. These can range from clothes to beauty products to recipes to books and anything in between. I will freely admit to watching too...
In the UK, schools are out for summer break at the end of July. For a whole six weeks. And that isn't including the eleven weeks prior to that where schools were (and for the most part still) closed for...
Happy Birthday to the United States Army! 245 years old! Congrats!   It’s the time of COVID-19, so the big party you’re planning may have to wait. But that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate you! It just means no large white...
Our Military Moms Blog team is incredibly unique. We live in different states and countries. We come from varying backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. We have different family sizes. We are all different ages and in different stages of our lives....
Spring is already upon us, and another sugar-filled holiday is around the corner. Yes, it’s time to start thinking about what the Easter Bunny will be bringing to your house this year. Even in the midst of a pandemic,...
Times are wild, am I right? I've been wanting to try some new things for Easter but COVID-19 has been messing with all my plans.  There are a lot of things we can't do right now. But that shouldn't stop us!...
We may not be able to attend our favorite events and holiday activities right now, but with a little help from our communities, we can still do an Easter Egg Hunt while practicing social distancing. Similar to the "Bear...

Military Lifestyle

How to Embrace Winter

I remember our first winter here in the Midwest. As a born and raised New Englander, I didn’t flinch. I knew it would be...

Boots In The House