This is one of my favorites to make in the IP. So easy to make with just a few minutes of prep time. I eat a dollop on my cereal everyday. I hope you love it as much as I do.
1 Gallon of milk ( I have tried all types but 1% milk is my go to with)
2 TBLSP Yogurt starter (yogurt with LIVE/active cultures, it will say this on the container)
Prep your Instant Pot:
*First and foremost I sterilize my IP with 3 Cups of water and use the steam/sterilize setting for 5-10 minutes. Though this is not necessary I chose to do this.*
To Make the Yogurt:
1. Pour milk into IP
2. Set IP to Sauté setting. I use a rubber whisk to stir constantly.
3. Continue until the temperature reaches 180
4. Once temp is at 180 remove cooking pot and place in a ice bath in your kitchen sink or another larger pot, adding more ice and cold watering to the bath. Stirring to bring the temperature down to 95-110.
5. Once cooled add a ladle of warm milk mixture to a measuring cup and add your 2 TLSP of LIVE yogurt and stir to combine. Pour this back into you cooking pot and whisk together.
6. Dry your cooking pot with dishtowel and place it back into IP. Set IP to Yogurt setting. Display will read 8:00 Normal. You may have to adjust -/+ depending on what you cooked previously.
7. Cover with a glass lid with a paper towel between the lid and the cooking pot, this prevents condensation from dripping into your yogurt while it incubates.
8. When cycle ends remove pot, replace with a dry paper towel, cover and refrigerate for at that least 8 hours
9. At this point you can pour into a strainer lined with cheese cloth or use a Euro Strainer for an hour. ( the liquid produced is Whey and it should be clear)
10. Yogurt then can be poured in a covered container and refrigerate for two weeks.
Servings: 4-6 depending on serving size
Prep Time: 5-20 minutes
Cook Time: 8 hours
Total Time: ~9 hours (depending on cooling )
– Whisking milk helps with getting up to temperature quicker and with cooling fast.A silicone whisk is recommended as to not scratch the cooking pot’s surface.
– Using whole milk will create a more creamier texture as well as getting milk to 183-185 degrees for a few minutes.
– Boiling cycle takes about 40 minutes, Cooling 10-15 minutes. * You can also save a bit of your strained yogurt in an ice cube tray. Cover and freeze, this can be used as “yogurt starter” for your next batch
– Save your liquid Whey for your next smoothie, bread making or when making salad dressing. This will store in refrigerator for 2 weeks
– I have also cut this recipe in half with and works great just not as much yogurt made