The Only Shoe You Need This Summer | Mox Shoes & Promo Code!


First things first: I’m a bit of an absentminded slob, which I know is incongruous for an editor whose job is all about the details, but I just adore comfort and, apparently, never knowing where my keys and shoes are. I’m the type who thinks jeans are uncomfortable. Since I work from home, I tend to overly indulge in my love of sweatpants, but I must admit, sometimes after a full day of wearing pajamas while I work in my bed … er… fancy home office, I do feel like I’m starting to rot.

That being said, we are now stationed in Aviano, Italy and I’ve had to make some changes. In this region of Italy, running around in joggers and sneakers will get you serious looks. In an effort to blend in, I’ve been trying to dress more like an adult. And you know what? It’s actually been really good for me.

However, I have a daily struggle (besides my desire to avoid real pants). As I put on my grownup clothes, I never know what to wear on my feet. Heels? Madness. Ballet flats? My high-arched feet don’t get enough support. Sandals? Same story.

Enter Mox Shoes.

I was recently introduced to these shoes through City Moms Blog Network. Mox Shoes is run by two stay-at-home moms who have five daughters between them. Their mission with Mox was to create a shoe that was both practical and fashionable.

To try out your own pair of Mox Shoes, use our promo code “MMB10” to get 10% off your next purchase. This offer runs through May 17th. 

Like I said, I’m a bit of a comfort diva; I live in the most fashionable country in the world; and I have two very active kids. Oh, and I rarely use a car, opting to walk, ride bikes, and scooter to go anywhere.

So I must say, Mox, when I tested out these shoes, the cards were a bit stacked against you. Here, I’ll walk you through my day as I test these shoes.

Taking out the trash.

I adore Italy’s commitment to recycling, but it also causes me a bit of anxiety. We have five different mandated trash bins and each goes out on different days of the week, or every other week, or once a month. So, if I forget, that means one more week of rotting food waste, or one more MONTH of all those empty wine bottles (and sighs from the neighbors when I’m putting out 5000 bottles of wine because I keep forgetting each month!).

Mox Shoes
Mox Shoes
Mox Shoes

These Mox were super easy to slip on to run the trash out of the house (note my beautiful sweatpants), AND, when my 18-month-old threw the organic waste bin down the stairs, I didn’t mind cleaning up the disgusting mess in these shoes because I knew I could wash them off with dish soap in the sink or even wear them in the shower. SERIOUS WIN.

Walking the kids to school.

I usually push the kids in a double stroller in lieu of my oldest taking her scooter so we can get there in less than 45 hours. Nevertheless, sometimes that walk to school turns into a run. Did the Mox withstand running two children in a double stroller up a bridge? They DID!

The cappuccino and bike test.

Northern Italy doesn’t really do the whole “work from a coffee shop” thing. People either down their espresso while standing at the bar, or stylish men and women leisurely sip their cappuccinos with friends. It’s very strange and not exactly welcome because of space reasons for anyone to get out a computer and work. If I have some work I can do on my phone, though, I love to start my work day having a cappuccino and croissant. In the Mox, I felt I was dressed nice enough to coffee break alongside even the most stylish.

I absolutely adore biking around town, with and without my kids — European baby bike seats are hands-down my favorite! Would the Mox stay on my feet while I pedaled? Would my feet get all sweaty? Yes. And no. Win!

Daily gelato fix.

I would like to say my kids and I only get gelato on special occasions, but that would mean every day is a special occasion. I just can’t resist, it’s so ridiculously good. My little guy is still a disaster when it comes to feeding himself, but he also is super stubborn about letting anyone help him. Usually we both end up covered in gelato — but the good thing about the shoes was that I could simply wipe the gelato off with a baby wipe because Mox are made with 100 percent man-made rubber.

Playground/chasing kids time.

Mox Shoes

Italy is absolutely gorgeous, but, surprisingly, our playground game is weak. Somehow the playgrounds around here are dusty and muddy at the same time, and we always come home very dirty. I’ve even had us all wear rainboots (when it’s not raining) simply to avoid having to clean everyone’s sneakers. Again, the Mox were great with this. I rinsed them with the hose when I got home, and they were good as new.

All in all, after walking miles in these shoes, my feet still felt good, and I loved the way the shoes looked. Plus the colors are fun – there’s a bunch more to choose from. I recommend them, and this is coming from somehow who typically only recommends blue sweatpants when it comes to comfort. Ciao bella!

This post is in partnership with Mox Shoes, but all opinions are our own. To try out your own pair, use our promo code "MMB10" to get 10% off your next purchase, through May 17th.
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Julie Cohen
Julie is a co-founder and contributor of Military Moms Blog. She also is a freelance writer and editor living in northern Italy where her husband is stationed in the Air Force. They have a little girl who spends most of her time (successfully) convincing her parents to buy more gelato, and a baby boy who they suspect already speaks better Italian than they do. Julie is the former food and wine editor of the San Antonio Express-News and former managing editor of Sauce Magazine in St. Louis, Missouri. which is where she calls home — but her dad was in the Army, so nowhere is technically home! She also has taught high school composition and British Literature, adult creative writing and college writing. Julie completed an MFA in nonfiction writing from Columbia University. In her free time, Julie enjoys running, reading and “studying” the varietals of Italy.