Welcome to our newest series. In “Friday Favorites,” our team will share a handful of favorite items. These can range from clothes to beauty products to recipes to books and anything in between.
This is a list you will want to save for later as Kwame shares his favorite things for dad.

These are the best. Not only do they have noise cancellation technology, they are small and stay put, no matter what I am doing. They also have a transparency mode in case you don’t want to totally tune out the outside world. The AirPods come in their own charging case so you don’t have worry about plugging them in after every run. They come in three sizes making it easy to find the one that is the best for you. My wife loves to make fun of people walking around with these in their ears but the sound is so great that I just ignore her. Noise cancellation makes that easy as well!
Runner up: Powerbeats Pro. My wife uses this set. She ran a particularly muddy marathon recently complete with a spill down a hill where she rolled several times. The headphones didn’t move a bit!
This razor has changed my life! That is not an understatement. I have sensitive skin and curly hair which is a recipe for irritation. I tried a lot of things through the years and finally ended up with a shave waiver from the military, meaning that I was allowed to keep a very short beard. This solved the problem of my irritated skin but still didn’t allow me to shave regularly. What if I didn’t want a very short beard forever?
Enter Bevel. This safety razor is magic. The initial kit comes with a razor, brush, 60 blades, priming oil, shaving cream, and restoring balm. You have the option of purchasing items a la cart or using their subscription service for refills. There is a military discount available for subscribers.
Shout out to Battle Brothers Shaving. I initially looked into their razors but they told me that Bevel was better for my skin and hair combo. How is that for integrity?

This bad boy acts as a personal server, storing movies, files, and more. The best part about it is that you can access your information from anywhere with a secure login. My family loves it because they can watch movies through the app, Plex, on our Amazon Firestick. It is great that I can store data on this and use it whenever I need it.
You know that present you open on Christmas day and are trying to figure out why you received it? This was it. At first, I started wearing them to make my wife happy. I didn’t know this was going to be one of my favorites until a couple of days after I started wearing them.
I have never been a guy to wear “jammies.” I am fine in a t shirt and briefs. These are great. They are so soft and I don’t sweat at all when I sleep which used to be a huge problem. Also, as they were inspired by Tom Brady, I clearly look more like him when wearing them. Seriously though, I now have two sets because I don’t want to wait for one to go through the wash.
My wife has a set too and they are surprisingly sexy.

I am constantly looking for healthy, filling snacks. It isn’t easy. Most snacks that are convenient are processed and full of things I don’t want to eat. I am always looking for portable protein. Jerky is a typical choice but all jerkys are not created equal. Most of them are full of fat and preservatives which negates what I am looking for in a snack.
Ostrim meat sticks are low fat and made of 100% all natural ingredients. The most important part is that they taste good. You can order online in bulk but they are also available at the BX. This is key for when you forgot all of your food in the fridge at home but are still really hungry. I like the habanero and teriyaki flavors but check out their website for all flavors. They even have a couple of sampler packs so you can try everything.