I've been with my husband for 16 years now. This spans his entire Air Force career, plus a year. In that time I've seen him off on five deployments and one yearlong remote tour to Korea. Six times. Six...
As a parent of a toddler, I spend most of my day pleading with my child to eat anything other than the stale Cheerios she finds in her car seat and under the couch. She used to be such...
Being a military kid is hard! You might not have a lot of choice in where you live or what you do. There are deployments, PCS moves, a loss of friends, a change in schools (sometimes mid-year), confusion ......
"They saw something on my mammogram, and I have to go back for more tests." This was the text I woke up to from my best friend back in January. I stared at it in disbelief and told myself it...
The first time I remember my dad being gone was during a year-long deployment to South Korea when I was in the second grade. Video calling software was not commonly available during that time, so my dad typically called...
If you've lived in San Antonio, Texas, for more than a week, you’ve probably heard that you can find real dinosaur tracks in a certain part of the Government Canyon State Natural Area. At least I did -- very...
"Hey Girl! (I use this phrase when I don't really know someone but am attempting to be simultaneously breezy and familiar.) Remember me?" Nope. As I sat on my kitchen floor shamefully attempting to hide behind an open cabinet so I...
Marriage can be challenging, especially after having kids or while living the military lifestyle. While some couples are fortunate enough to have friends and family nearby to take the kids for the occasional date night, others are not so lucky....
You know who your sister-wife (if you had to choose) would be, and she knows who she is. Her kids and yours are more like siblings than friends, and you adore them more than blood relatives (outside of grandma)...
I started to get antsy toward the end of September. It was still hot outside with no reprieve in sight. I'm so ready for fall. I have not lived in a place that has a real autumn in over...
I realize some of the appeal to military life is the experience of a new station, but Colorado Springs is a particularly hard station to leave. If you're familiar with 'the Springs,' you, too, know its uniqueness. After spending more than...
Today, my best friend came to me with all kinds of wonderful ideas about helping out in our community and things my family could get involved in together. Intentions were awesome, and his heart was in an extraordinary place....

Military Lifestyle

How to Embrace Winter

I remember our first winter here in the Midwest. As a born and raised New Englander, I didn’t flinch. I knew it would be...

Boots In The House