The perfect deployment outfit is a must.
But let's be clear, I'm not talking about that thoughtfully put together ensemble you'll wear to greet your spouse as he or she returns home. Oh no.
I'm talking about the outfit you'll wear...
You’ve heard of Murphy’s Law, right – anything that can go wrong, will?
Well, we here at Military Mom’s Blog recognize another fundamental law of the universe … Murphy’s Law of Deployment.
Anything that can go wrong during a deployment, will.
“Kick the leaves, kick the leaves, kick the leaves!” I sing in a made-up cadence as I hold my 1-year-old’s hand and watch his chubby feet scatter the discarded, crunchy foliage around us. After two back-to-back snowstorms completely shuttered...
Tim had a deployment when Jacob, our oldest, had just turned two. It was hard to know how to talk about it with him then—he didn't have the vocabulary or the understanding. Tim gave him a small stuffed lion and...
There are things in life to look forward to with eager anticipation; a deployment is not one of them.
For us, the dreaded deployment is underway and with each new document, training or additional uniform, there's greater awareness that the date is...
Like many military spouses, my husband traveled frequently when our first daughter was born.
Often when he would come home, our daughter would treat him like a stranger and cling to me. Not only did I desperately need a break, it was...
It’s been one of those weeks, folks, where complaint after compliant leaves my lips and my heart feels weakened by the hardships of this life. People have attempted to inflate my ego for the countless hours I have (and...
There I was enjoying a nice, relaxing shower. The kids were sleeping, the clothes were folded, and the floors were actually mopped hence I was enjoying a 10 minute shower instead of the typical hurried five minute one. Suddenly,...
My husband left for Army basic training right before our daughter turned a year old. They had an amazing bond, and one of my husband’s fears was that during his almost seven months away (almost 10 weeks of basic...
To my many beautiful friends I have met along the way:
You know who you are. We held tight to one another through a season.
You were my neighbor, we sat next to each other in church, we played games on...
Tis' the season for resolutions! In case you don't already have an overwhelming agenda of things to live up to this year ;) may I add another to your list?
For the military spouses reading this, my message is: Stop...
I walked into her room to find her sitting up happily. With poop in each hand, she smiled a big toothy grin at me. Considering that I could have caught her "decorating" her crib or walls, I feel I...