
Lindsay is a freelance writer and a mom of four. When she was 19, she met her future husband on a blind date. Lindsay and her husband spent 18 years moving around the country with the Air Force and growing their family through birth and adoption. In 2016, they moved back to Colorado because the mountains have always felt like home. When she’s not busy writing or tripping over toys, she enjoys reading, traveling, and hanging out with her quirky kids.

Ask Yourself This One Question After a Long Day

If I'm really honest with myself, I spent most of my kids' early years feeling like I was always falling short. Call it mom guilt, call it the natural response to four kids and...

How to Recognize Envy and What to Do About It

There are three little words that I’ve finally started to pay more attention to in my 40s. The truth is I’ve said them many times during the past two decades of adult life. What are...

Dear Teenager, I Wish You an Ordinary Life

She sits in my office, light flickering across her tear-stained face. Another day of advanced classes and high-achievement academics has left her weary and empty. She tells me the things we all think but are...

Dealing With Delays in This Military Lifestyle

In December of 2001, I sat on the floor in the Newark airport crying as I heard them announce the final boarding call for my flight home to see my family for Christmas. After...

When To Call It Quits: The Power of Enough

A few months ago, I was sharing with my mom, sister, and sister-in-law that my life felt completely overwhelming. It was strange because there was nothing, in particular, that had changed or that I...

An Open Letter to My Husband on His Retirement

Twenty years, that’s hard to believe. When we first started this journey, we had no idea what was ahead of us. Through the years we’ve celebrated the joys and challenges of this lifestyle. This was...

The Busy Mom’s Guide to Finding Time to Read

As a mom, it's difficult to find time to read. When I was a kid, I was always reading. I loved fiction and poetry. I devoured both the classics and The Baby-Sitters Club. I...

5 Steps to Clarity When Making Big Decisions

I will never win the award for the world’s most decisive person. For me, the world has always been filled with endless choices. This can be good and bad. Twenty flavors of ice cream...

Surviving the Summer When You Work From Home

As a work from home mom, summer often feels like a mixed bag. On the one hand, I look forward to a more relaxed schedule and less running around. I certainly don’t miss getting...

Military Families: How Perspective Shapes Our Experiences

A few weeks ago, I was bracing for a busy day. My son woke up feeling sick and since I work from home, I focused on keeping him comfortable in the real world while...

A Traveler’s Guide to Military Resorts and Recreation Centers

  When you are juggling deployments, moves, and job changes, finding time to take a family vacation can be challenging. But research suggests that spending time and money on experiences with your family is well...

Selling a House Quickly Before You Move

Moving is stressful. Trying to sell a house before moving adds even more stress. The best case scenario for surviving a PCS comes down to selling a house quickly. While a lot depends on...