This past month has been pretty stressful. Both boys are playing sports, so that's two sets of practices and games consuming our lives every week. Work has had its ups and downs. I'm considering a job switch, which has...
Opening scene: It is my first postpartum period. I am trying to put in my menstrual cup (more on that later) and it WILL NOT pop open. I’m doing this by flashlight balanced on the counter because we haven’t...
Feeling Unorganized  Is anyone else also obsessed with Marie Kondo and her book/Netflix series on the Japanese art of tidying up? Anyone else instantly dump the contents of her house onto her bed and start folding her clothes in new,...
When it comes to deodorant, we generally have these options: Traditional or Natural. Powder or Patchouli. Aluminum or Au Natural. I, personally, am solidly in the natural camp – as is evidenced by my ridiculous stockpile of natural deodorants. Yep. All mine. If the zombie...
I have yet to read Rachel Hollis' exceptionally popular book, Girl, Wash Your Face. I can't speak to how life-changing it actually is, but I do like what I assume is her no-nonsense approach to telling people what to do....
Romance novels often get a bad rap. Book snobs (like myself, I will admit) tend to label them poorly and eschew the genre entirely. But Stacey Reynolds, author of Raven of the Sea and this month's book club pick,...
Friendship can be hard especially when balanced on a perpetually spinning wheel. I liken military friendships to a roller coaster; the ride can be a thrill, circuslike enjoyment, spinning all sorts of directions with extreme highs and extreme lows....
Five years ago, I put on my first pair of sticky socks because I had decided to give this “barre thing” a try. I had two small boys (ages 4 and 2), a full-time career, a husband who was...
Marriage can feel hard. In the beginning, it isn’t. My opinion is that it shouldn’t be. It should be mostly rainbows and loving gazes and every night feeling like a date night and "no, I love you more!" (OK my...
A few months ago, I was sharing with my mom, sister, and sister-in-law that my life felt completely overwhelming. It was strange because there was nothing, in particular, that had changed or that I could blame for the way...
Military moms are a special breed. We move a lot. We find new houses, new schools, new churches, new grocery stores, new playgroups, new friends. We find and start new jobs. We uproot. We settle down. And then we...
resolutions: (n)  firm decisions to do or not do something                Oxford Dictionary  According to a 2017 survey, the most popular New Year's resolutions were focused on self-care. No surprise there, right? This means "eating healthier,"...

Military Lifestyle

Boots In The House

We know firsthand how beneficial community can be. We want to show our Moms of Service Members that they have a safe place to...