Dear Little One,
It’s hard to believe that just a few short weeks ago, I could only dream about you — your face, your features, whether you were even a boy or a girl. And now, here you are. You....
Opening scene: It is my first postpartum period. I am trying to put in my menstrual cup (more on that later) and it WILL NOT pop open. I’m doing this by flashlight balanced on the counter because we haven’t...
I was 18 years old the first time I moved away from home. And it changed me.
I learned how to live with another female.
As a girl with only brothers, this was a big one. Thankfully, I was lucky enough...
When it comes to deodorant, we generally have these options:
Traditional or Natural.
Powder or Patchouli.
Aluminum or Au Natural.
I, personally, am solidly in the natural camp – as is evidenced by my ridiculous stockpile of natural deodorants.
Yep. All mine.
If the zombie...
When you have a baby, every well-intentioned veteran parent you meet tells you that these days will go by too fast. That if you blink, you'll miss it; that the days may be long but that the years will...
Years of being a military spouse and now a stay-at-home mom have left my career history full of gaps and have made my résumé what you can only describe as “interesting.”
As my son gets older, I have started thinking about...
Six years ago, I signed up my 3-year-old for pee-wee soccer because I was pretty excited to get him started in activities. It’s a great way to introduce sports, plus it’s adorable. Am I right?
It’s so much fun watching...
Another woman is living in my home. I am fairly certain she has knocked down your door as well or has plans to in the near future. She is both saving and ruining lives, and I think it's time...
My dearest (almost-4-year-old) daughter,
Last week you told me that pizza “is my grossest.” Last night you told me that “dino chicken is yucky!” This morning you told me that “waffles are too sticky.”
You cried as I left this morning...
Every night at bedtime my 5-year-old and I have a special routine. It's a routine he started one night. He gives me a big hug and then five kisses. He kisses me on my right cheek, then on my...
I grew up experiencing two different cultures. My mom is American and has English and German origins. My dad is originally Palestinian, but his family migrated to Egypt and then to Saudi Arabia. I was born in the United...
She first asked in third grade.
Two kids in her class had their own phones.
"No way," I told her. "Who would you call? What would you do? Nothing that you can’t do from my phone. Nothing that you can’t do...