
Sakura Season

Springtime is historically a time of rebirth and growth. No place is this more true than Japan. Spring brings Sakura, the beautiful cherry blossoms season. They only last a short time when they are again dormant until next year's season...

Bullying and Team Sports

Our 9-year-old son loves soccer. He loves to play it, he loves to watch it, he loves to talk about it. His life revolved around the World Cup this year. The boy eats, sleeps and breathes soccer. He had...
This is part 2 of a 3-part series in honor of National Adoption Month. For part one, go here. “Oh, well! You can always just adopt kids!” When people say this phrase, I hear, “Oh, well! If dinner burns you...
Four children. Some dogs. The cat. A hamster. And neighborhood kids running in and out of my house. It take all of a hot minute for it to look like a tornado came through the front door and blew...
It was over ninety degrees, and I was encapsulated in full length jeans and a lightweight sweater. I was a female Steve Carrell in my eighteen layers of clothing, minus the fact that Crazy Stupid Love's Ryan Gosling hadn't...
According to the ever popular and always factually correct Wikipedia, "Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many...
Our home is a pretty low-screen-time-household. And every few months, I am moved to limit screen time totally. No television, no tablets, no video games. Completely unplugged. My kids' brains need the break to rewire when I see them growing increasingly...
Dear Bedtime, I’ve worked so hard for you. I read books about you. I wrote notes on you. I talked endlessly about you with my friends and family. But I’m coming to realize that this is a one-way relationship. You...
Pregnancy. That beautiful time in a woman's life when perfect strangers feel they can say anything - and everything - they want to you. Because that's clearly the ONE time in a woman's life when our self-confidence is soaring high enough...
Moms. Seriously. We live in Argentina, and if you know anything about Argentina, you know that it might actually be the meat capital of the world. When you go to a restaurant, what’s on the menu? Meat. When you...

Giving Birth in Japan

Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Iwakuni is the only Marine Corps installation on mainland Japan. We are located on the southern end of the main island of Japan, sandwiched between beautiful mountains and the Seto Inland Sea. We are...
Although I can't speak for all military families, I feel I can safely say that once the majority of military families are at a duty station for two years (give or take), you begin to contemplate what's next. That...

Military Lifestyle

Boots In The House

We know firsthand how beneficial community can be. We want to show our Moms of Service Members that they have a safe place to...