This week on the blog – in conjunction with The Breastfeeding Shop – we are thrilled to run a series of posts on breastfeeding in honor of World Breastfeeding Week. World Breastfeeding Week started August 1st and runs through...
This week on the blog – in conjunction with The Breastfeeding Shop – we are thrilled to run a series of posts on breastfeeding in honor of World Breastfeeding Week. World Breastfeeding Week started August 1st and runs through...
This week on the blog – in conjunction with The Breastfeeding Shop – we are thrilled to run a series of posts on breastfeeding in honor of World Breastfeeding Week. World Breastfeeding Week starts today and runs through Monday,...
I have always been a television person. I lack the attention span to sit down for hours watching movies, but give me entire seasons of shows that I view watch in thirty-minute increments, and I am a happy camper....
I hate life’s minutiae — paying bills, scheduling appointments, sorting mail, going to the post office … and dealing with insurance, which has always been at the top of my Things I’d Rather Do Later List. That is why...
Pregnancy is a strange/awesome/crazy/fun/sick/roller coaster of emotions time in your life. Here are a few things I am happy to have said goodbye to and some things I actually miss from those nine months.
Things I Don’t Miss
Throwing Up and...
By some miracle, the house is quiet. My daughter sleeps hard as the shades in her windows block out the afternoon sun. In the room next door, I hold my son close, dancing him to sleep while Audrey Hepburn...