Someone knew we’d need Frozen II in 2020.
I’m not necessarily talking about the amazing people at Disney+ who released it months ahead of schedule. But someone up there – or on earth – or somewhere in between – knew that this would be a hard year, and even us mamas would desperately need the messages portrayed in these songs that our kids dance to (usually in just undies) endlessly on repeat.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Frozen II, watch it. Like, now.
It is the amazing continuation of the love between two sisters and the power of self-discovery. It seamlessly weaves story, song, and dance into an animated treasure. Have I seen Frozen II more times than I can count in the last month since it was released for digital download? Yes. Does my husband request it more than my kids do? Most assuredly. Do I often wake up singing all the songs subconsciously and humming them at random times throughout the day? Totally. Do I hate it? Not one bit.
Right now the world is full of chaotic unknowns. It is a daily struggle to not let fear rule our head and heart-space. As we were watching Frozen II recently (for the 3rd time that day), I heard – really heard – the songs and the poignant message behind them.
I am currently a solo mom of three small children and an infant in a brand new place in the middle of an unprecedented global pandemic. We moved to this duty station just four weeks before COVID-19 broke out here with a preschooler, two toddlers, and a 5 week-old baby. If that wasn’t stressful enough, my husband deployed right as our state went into quarantine. I am navigating a new baby in a new city by myself in a world that feels like it will never be the same again.
Everything has changed, and I’m struggling to cope. If you find yourself also feeling big emotions in this hard season, put on the Frozen II soundtrack and let the music speak the truths that we all need to hear.
When it feels like everything is changing too quickly
“Some Things Never Change”
It’s easy to get swept away in the changes and lost in an attempt to keep track of each one. Instead of thinking about what is different, try focusing on what is the same. Anna uses the examples of how Olaf’s hand feels in hers and how she will always hold him tight. Christophe comments on how his love for Anna will never change. Even when the world is changing all around us, there will always be some things that stay the same.
When the world doesn’t make sense
“When I Am Older”
No matter if you’re 8, 80, or anywhere in between, life doesn’t make sense right now. I don’t think we’ll ever be able to answer the questions of “why.” But take Olaf’s stance and just know, that “there’s no need to be terrified or tense,” because “this will all make sense when [we are] older.”
When you’re paralyzed with fear, anxiety, or sadness
“The Next Right Thing”
Right now we are constantly being pulled in opposite directions, and we have the choice to be pulled down or to pull ourselves up. As Anna says, “This grief has a gravity, it pulls me down. But a tiny voice whispers in my mind ‘You are lost, hope is gone, but you must go on and do the next right thing.”
“I won’t look too far ahead
It’s too much for me to take
But break it down to this next breath, this next step
This next choice is one that I can make…
…Then I’ll make the choice to hear that voice
And do the next right thing”
In these moments of overwhelming fear, anxiety, or sadness, don’t think about everything that’s wrong or worrisome or everything that’s ahead. Choose to focus on the next right thing. And reach out to a friend or a counselor to talk about how you’re feeling.
When you get lost catering to everyone else’s needs
“Show Yourself”
Having your entire family home all together all the time is exhausting for everyone, but especially for you, mama. You are everyone’s rock and stability, and the only one who apparently can replenish snacks. But don’t forget the importance of self-care, especially right now. You may not be able to go out on a kid-free adventure, but take a bath, read a book behind closed doors, pee by yourself. Just like in this song when Elsa discovered the true source of her power, take time to get re-acquainted with yourself and replenish your mommy-super-powers.
When you’re tired of being stuck at home
“Home (Outtake)”
Being in the same place with all the same people for weeks on end is exhausting and tiring and defeating. But just like you have the choice to be pulled down or rise above, make the choice to focus on what you love about your house, about your family. Choose gratitude over grumbling. Anna sums it up beautifully in this outtake:
“I’m grateful for this castle
And for everything we’ve got
Especially my family
We’ve all been through a lot
I know how fragile things can be…
…Bless this happiness we found
Bless this good and solid ground
Our home.”
Next time you’re stuck watching Frozen II yet again, listen to the songs with fresh ears, and remember that you’re not alone.
We’re all venturing into the unknown… together.