Hello to 2020 – and to new team members!
Military Moms Blog has always been focused on providing information, community, and support to military families in all stages of life. We are written FOR military moms, BY military moms. As some of our beloved team members have left to pursue other ventures or as their lives have changed, we have added new writers and voices to our team.
In the spirit of the new year, we would like you to meet the entire team! Some have been here since day one, and others are brand new. We are proud to present each and every one of them. And for a fun introduction, we asked them to give us their New Year’s resolutions or goals.
Read below to see the entire team and to see what each of us is hoping for in 2020!
Amie, Co-Owner
“Instead of a resolution or goal, I have a focus. This year I want to focus on FAMILY. With an upcoming PCS and impending deployments around the corner, I want to pour into my marriage and my kids with intentionality. When my time feels divided and sparse, I will prioritize my family above all else.”
Rachel, Co-Owner
“I do not make resolutions because I know I will not keep them; I am at least self-aware, right? But I always look to the new year for things that I wish to improve upon. This year, I want to continue managing my mental health as proactively as I can. I also want to enjoy my last year in Hawaii by doing all our favorite things – hikes, beach days, and tons of Kona coffee, mochi, and manapua!”



“My New Year’s goal is to be more intentional with my time. It’s so valuable, and I want to maximize every minute!”

“This year my New Years resolution/goal is to replace each negative thought with 3 positive ones. It’s a part of my life goal right now, which is to invite more calm and peace into my life.”

“My goal is to be more gentle on myself and my people (i.e. my family); to do what I can and to be OK with what I cannot do; and to take care of myself.”

“Instead of a resolution, I like to choose a focus word to help guide my year. This year my word is clarity.
More observation. Less jumping to conclusions. More joy. Less time-killing scrolling. More clarity of mind for a happier, lighter, more present heart.”

“My goal this year is too get back into training for and running half marathons. It’s been five years since my last half. I would also like to try something new like rowing.”

“My New Year’s Resolution is to go to CrossFit at least 3 times per week…and maybe do a pull-up by the end of the year!”

“My goal is to finish the novel I’ve been working on.”

“I love making goals and resolutions! But one that is different this year is making 2020 my year for professional growth. As a mom and mil spouse, my career and ability for financial contribution has always been on the back burner. I’m heading into the new year to with my foot floored on the gas and no intention of letting up! I want to achieve maximum clientele potential with my lash business, as well as create other streams of income. I bet my husband that I could surpass his salary by the end of the year- game on!”

“We are heading into this next PCS with way less stuff. My goal is to get rid of the things we don’t use and don’t need! Then I will tackle the mountain of things that have been in storage for the past three years once it arrives in our new house!”

I am expanding the limits of my comfort zone. I want to be the girl who sees an opportunity or goal and meets it head on. This is the year I will be confident about going after things I want.

“This year my word is EMPOWERED. I will no longer make myself small to please others. I will be fully me, hold my boundaries, and work my life and business the best I can knowing that I am the author of my fate.”

“In 2020 I’m going to write the dang book!”

“My New Year’s Resolution is to make the most of my downtime and to find positivity in every week by journaling the good things to look back on.”


“No real resolutions…just to exercise more!”

“My New Year’s resolution is to love my people even bigger than I loved them last year.”


“This year I want to turn my eyes back towards my own family and myself because a happy heart isn’t nurtured when you’re too busy peering in windows. I’d also love to read more; The New Year sounds like a good time to get lost in a great book. To happy hearts and reading!


“My resolution is to not be afraid to ask for help and saying no to stuff I don’t want to do!”


“This sounds silly, but my goal is to use the Instant Pot I received over a year ago!”

“No resolutions – I just want to publish my second children’s book!”

“I have so many New Year’s resolutions! But I hope to finish the first draft of my book by the end of the year.”


“For the New Year, I want to embrace the upcoming journey for what it is. Other words for embrace are grasp, clutch, encircle, hug and squeeze – all the ways I plan on conquering this new year, this new life. I am confident in who I am know there is so much I am capable of achieving – so I want to trust in the process; find comfort in the uncomfortable; and lean in to how I’m being molded as a mother, wife, professional and overall human being.”

“My New Year’s goal is to embrace the daily chaos of life. Instead of replying with the cliched, “I have been so busy!” when someone asks how I have been, I want to focus on the fun/crazy/lasting moments.”

“I am not big on resolutions, but I will say that I will be actively working on getting back my “me time” in the morning and journaling through this year. It’s our last in Japan, and I really want to soak in the changes and the feelings that will bring! Happy 2020 – may it be blessed and filled with joy abundantly!”

“I don’t care how often it’s used as a resolution, the struggle of menopause has never been so real. I AM LOSING WEIGHT THIS YEAR! 25 pounds is my goal. I will also begin the journey of getting my real estate broker’s license back! I let it go after the death of my mother, brother, and sister when I didn’t think I’d ever want to practice real estate again. AND I will learn to speak Spanish fluently… FINALLY.”

“So I’m not too big on New Year’s resolutions … I don’t think they work terribly well. I do have a goal to lose 25 pounds by Memorial Day. Mostly it’ll be about making time for fitness. I’m starting a new job with a much shorter commute, so I should have more time for exercise. I used to be fit and strong, and I’d like to feel that way again.”

“My goal for the new year is to try to worry less about things or situations over which I have no control.”