Have you heard of this month's book? A book that everyone claims is a "must" read? A book that seems to pop up in conversations and social media constantly? One that is so popular that you are 84th on...
The perfect mother: a title bestowed upon the best moms and coveted by many. This woman can balance everything. Her children are carefully dressed and well-behaved. She can manage a career and be present at home and for all...
Romance novels often get a bad rap. Book snobs (like myself, I will admit) tend to label them poorly and eschew the genre entirely. But Stacey Reynolds, author of Raven of the Sea and this month's book club pick,...
I’m fine. Everything is fine. We are fine. How often do we repeat these sentences? More importantly, how often are they accurate and honest?
In our February book club pick, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, we meet a woman who...
Imagine this: you are offered the chance to travel the world for 9 months. You can work remotely, thus providing an income during your travel. You can visit anywhere and in any order. You are limited only by funds...
I always loved reading. There were three children's books that I read (by memory, is that still reading?) to my dad every night for at least a year or so. I loved one of those books so much that...
The Immortalists: It is 1969 New York City, and the Gold children are looking for a little fun. Word had spread through the Lower East Side of a psychic woman who can read fortunes. The four adolescent siblings set...
When I think of a luxury wellness resort, I conjure up images of calm and serenity. I see spa treatments and carefully curated, nutritious meals. I imagine yoga, meditation, and an overall sense of peace. In short, it sounds...
Here at Military Moms Blog, we LOVE to write. Whether it is sharing our own experiences; finding resources for fellow moms; or researching new assignments and locations; writing is something we are passionate about.
It is every writer’s dream to...
When you hear the word library, what is the first thought or image that comes to mind?
I picture shelves upon shelves of books. I see people of all ages and backgrounds. I see the elusive second floor of the...
Alicia Berenson loved her husband. This is obvious in the opening chapter of the "The Silent Patient" by Alex Michaelides, which is an excerpt from her personal journal. All she wants to do is love him and please him;...
Miracle Creek starts with a trial - the trial of a mother accused of murdering her son. But, as we quickly learn, the trial and the alleged murder are not so simple.
In Miracle Creek by Angie Kim, we find...