Cockroaches.  The word is enough to get my anxiety pulsing; to set my heart racing; and to make me break out in a sweat.  I would rather see a snake or a spider or a clown or a Demogorgon. Granted, I...
We all know that having a baby is completely life altering. Those first few months are tough. They are exhausting. You don’t have good days and bad days. You have good minutes and bad minutes. You get a lot...
The other day my daughter came into our room to wake me up for the day and greeted me by saying, "Mommy, you forgot to change into your pajamas last night before bed!"  I thought to myself before responding to...
Let me just say, I have never been one for New Year’s resolutions. I am the person who gets annoyed by all the new people at the gym in January. I know your extreme diet change probably won’t work....
Like many military spouses, my husband traveled frequently when our first daughter was born. Often when he would come home, our daughter would treat him like a stranger and cling to me. Not only did I desperately need a break, it was...
We’ve been at our new duty station for a little over seven months now, so we have passed the “adjustment period” of a typical permanent change of station. When you talk to other military spouses who have PCS’ed for...
Recent revelations about sexual misconduct in Hollywood have breathed new life into the #MeToo movement. The hashtag is circulating all over social media to encourage victims of sexual assault to speak out about their experiences. It can give women...
Have you felt it before? It’s that sinking feeling of annoyance and “why not me” when you see “#blessed” in a friend’s picture from her first-class flight or hear about a new job your former playdate-mom-friend recently landed, or...
Tragedy, neglect, addiction, manipulation - all these words can describe "The Con Man's Daughter" by Candice Curry. Yet, this memoir is so much more than this. It is a story of triumph over tragedy, love over pain, and forgiveness...
OK – first of all, if you didn’t just read that title and then immediately sing a Boston song in your head, then who even are you?? Go ahead and click the link. I’ll wait. It’s funny how we do...
A lot of ink gets spilled about Mom Guilt. That creeping, nagging feeling, however true or untrue, that we could have done it better. We members of the motherhood tribe are capable of making ourselves feel bad for any...
Mid-winter. That blah time of year smack in-between 'post-holiday cheer' and 'pre-spring joy.' Ugh.  My husband is a pilot. And when the weather is bad, he doesn't fly. And in the mid-winter, the weather is bad a lot. So, this time...

Military Lifestyle

Boots In The House

We know firsthand how beneficial community can be. We want to show our Moms of Service Members that they have a safe place to...