Mid-winter. That blah time of year smack in-between 'post-holiday cheer' and 'pre-spring joy.' Ugh.  My husband is a pilot. And when the weather is bad, he doesn't fly. And in the mid-winter, the weather is bad a lot. So, this time...
Since my first pregnancy seven years ago, I have come to relax … a lot. But first a disclaimer: The information included in this article is not directly supported by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (acog.org). Please consult...
It happened to me when my third child was two months old. My husband was on a remote tour in South Korea. We were lucky because his mid-tour leave lined up perfectly, so he was home for the birth...
At the time of this writing, I have an 8-day  3 week one month old baby. (I was optimistic about getting this post done. Clearly I was delusional.) She is my second born, and so far she is spectacular.  But let's back...
As our family embarks on our third go around with parenthood (surprise!! THIS one really is the last!), I’m happily discovering that this pregnancy is going well. Please don’t hate me, but I seem to be one of the...
When the nesting urge struck me recently, it struck like lightning. Everything that lingered on my to-do list for the last eight months suddenly felt more urgent than ever before. In one hormone and coffee fueled afternoon, I reorganized...
I had never planned to have children outside of the United States. The hope for an overseas assignment always seemed like a long shot for my husband's career, and the thought of fighting a language barrier and different practices...
*The following was written in September 2016, two weeks after giving birth. Whereas I am currently past the emotional turmoil described, I still felt these are words that need to be heard in honor of World Prematurity Day and...
I am not a very sentimental person. I don't have a hope chest. I didn’t preserve and keep my wedding dress. My children’s baby books are either not started or not finished. I can purge a house like it’s...
After my daughter was born, I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to continue breastfeeding exclusively once I returned to work. I had no idea if pumping throughout my work day was going to be successful. In an...
I waited a long time to have kids. My husband and I had our 11th anniversary a few months before our son was born. We were an aunt and uncle several times over and just about the last of our...
Here is a little story. We had just moved overseas and were welcomed by the most incredible group of people. I was so excited! We were still in a temporary apartment off-base waiting for our house to be inspected...

Military Lifestyle

Boots In The House

We know firsthand how beneficial community can be. We want to show our Moms of Service Members that they have a safe place to...