Summer Fun!

summer color graphic with watermelon, pineapple, sunglasses, and shoes

… maybe it’s because my family is from Texas.

… or perhaps because for the last three years we’ve been stationed at Fort Drum I’ve yearned for sunshine for months on end during the harsh, bitter winters of Northern New York.

… come to think of it, it must be because I homeschool my two children, and we all know that deserves am extended break.

But whatever the reason, and y’all may think I’m crazy, but I love the sizzle of summer heat on my skin. I love sitting on my porch for hours on end chatting with neighbors, listening to my favorite podcast (95% of the time, true crime), reading a book, or just closing my eyes and enjoying being outside.

During the winter, I can’t always kick my kids out of the house to go play, but I sure can during summer! Sidewalk chalk, kicking the soccer ball, bikes, skateboarding, sprinklers, baseball… you name it, the world is your oyster, my children! And I’ll be sitting right here, soaking it all up.

Don’t get me wrong, some days are filled with chores, errands, work, sickness, or cranky attitudes… but the joy of summer cannot be squashed for me. Of course, not everyone feels the same way that I do. So, I’m compiling a list of some of my favorite summertime activities so that you, too, can discover the joy of summer!

  1. Go for a walk before it gets too hot! Early morning walks are such a fun way to start your day — and you get your endorphins kicking first thing!
  2. Water play. Whether it’s sprinklers, splash pads, water balloons, pools, or even just washing your car, water makes everything better.
  3. Read a fun book. Whatever your book preference is– whether it’s historical fiction, thriller, comedy, etc!
  4. Eat outside. Time to fire up your grill and enjoy some family and friend time!
  5. Camping. If you just recoiled because you think you’ll hate it, TRY IT!
  6. Get a hammock. Enough said.
  7. Popsicles. Just have them. WARNING: if the neighborhood children know you have them, they will come.
  8. Board games. My son has gotten to an age that I’m not as cool to him as I used to be. But one way that I usually can get him laughing or smiling is to play a board or card game with him.
  9. Take a trip. It doesn’t have to be anything huge– maybe just a day trip to a nearby place you haven’t been to yet. Explore what’s around you.
  10. SLOW DOWN. I’m putting this last, but it is arguably the most important rule. Whenever possible, allow time to breathe and relax.

Remember to make memories with your family this summer! Find the joy in the season. Get outside when you can, and escape to the A/C when needed.. but instead of scrolling for hours on social media, consider picking up a book or playing a game with your loved ones. It’s worth it.