I stood in the center of my kitchen; one hand on the counter and one hand on my head. I could feel the panic...
If you spend any time on social media, you’ve seen evidence of this month’s greatest controversy. This issue crosses party lines. It affects both...
Welcome to our newest series. In "Friday Favorites," our team will share a handful of favorite items. These can range from clothes to beauty...
Do you pee when you sneeze? This is sort of a sensitive question and topic, and this might be too personal for some of us...
This 3-part fitness series is written and sponsored by Samantha Costello, a Marine Corps spouse and owner of Core Fit. If you’re interested in...
I am a personality type junkie and the Enneagram is my latest fix. I won’t lie about it. Once upon a time I would have...
Goodbye Facebook

Goodbye Facebook

I took a break from Facebook, and I am slowly getting the pieces of my life back. You've probably heard the phrase, “Don’t bite the...
I’ve had natural hair for over a year, which means chemical-free. I haven't had my hair trimmed in about that same amount of time....
It was the phone call that no family member wants to receive. The scenario had never entered my mind, yet the news was delivered...
On a summer night in 2008, I was sexually assaulted by a guy who was smart and good-looking and kept an OED on his...

My Mom Bod Manifesto

Weight has always been an issue for me. Meaning, whether or not I was overweight or thin, I’ve always had a negative perception of...
  My family and I recently took a trip to the beach. It was heavenly, as usual. My boys were running and splashing in the...

Military Lifestyle

Hi Friend! The Art of Simplified Cooking with Emily Ley

Do you have Internet friends? I do. They don’t know they’re my Internet friends, but I refer to them as “my friend” Emily and...

How to Embrace Winter