The Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) is located near Mons, Belgium (about 30 minutes south of Brussels) and is the military headquarters for NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe. Because it is a posting that you don’t hear about...
Chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate ... is there such a thing as too much chocolate?? It is surely a sin for simply posing such a question!  But if your waistline is expanding as much as mine after the holidays, just...
#10 Overcoming A Life-Threatening Food Allergy With Oral Immunotherapy "As my daughter’s world continues to increase in size, my world feels more out of control. Or, at least it used to before OIT. The truth is that sometimes an EpiPen...
My dear, sweet friend recently had her first child. Just like any new mother, she is overwhelmed; overwhelmed with love, with exhaustion, with joy, and with change. I ache with happiness and empathy for her because I have been there....
I know that December is a busy month for all of us. Between school functions, concerts, work parties, holiday traditions, and time with family and friends, it's a miracle that anyone has time for anything else! That is why...
This year will be our second year celebrating Christmas in Japan. Last year was not only our first year, but it also was just 10 days after we welcomed our Cecilia into the family, so, needless to say, we...
Through the years we all will be together, if the Fates allow Hang a shining star upon the highest bough And have yourself a merry little Christmas now No matter where life took me, I always managed to make it home for...
There's always been a special place in my heart for Christmas mornings. As children, we'd scurry downstairs in the wee hours to dump the loot out of our stockings and fill 'em back up before we woke our parents. It was...
I used to be a pretty organized and together person. Before my kids came along, I remembered everything. I knew where my husband left his keys; I was able recall dates on the calendar from memory; I knew how...
Moms. Seriously. We live in Argentina, and if you know anything about Argentina, you know that it might actually be the meat capital of the world. When you go to a restaurant, what’s on the menu? Meat. When you...
Threenager: (n) 1. a 3-year-old in stature with the attitude the size of a teenager; 2. a pain in the butt; 3. my kid I knew I was in hot water after a conversation argument over breakfast one morning:  C: I...
I co-wrote a post a couple of months ago describing my feelings towards the pumpkin spice latte, (I hate it), and at the end, I mentioned my favorite warm drink — a chai latte. Give me all the chai, please. Winter...

Military Lifestyle

How to Embrace Winter

I remember our first winter here in the Midwest. As a born and raised New Englander, I didn’t flinch. I knew it would be...

Boots In The House