Dear Husband, It's been a long three years. In these three years we've had two babies, bought one house, and you've deployed at least 30 times (but who's counting. I'm not; I gave up).  But here we are, with 'shore tour'...
I am currently pregnant with our second child. We have yet to find out the sex of the baby, but we are really 50/50 about what we are hoping for; we can see the positives of either. We already...
It’s time for the kids to bounce off the walls, slide on the floor, and hang off the ceiling, but they can’t jump on the couch. It’s gone. The moving truck just left, taking with it all of your...
Thanks to our three daughters, my husband and I feel like we live in a pink world: a world filled with the musings of a certain British-accented porcine princess, fairies, ponies, and the like. While I enjoy existing in...
When I was a little girl, I used to call the American flag the "Pledge-a-llegiance." My grandfather and I would spend countless road trips seeing who could count the most flags. I don't remember exactly when I learned the...
We live near a large Army base in South Carolina. When we first moved here almost three years ago, we were excited at the prospect of being near so many other military families and being able to take advantage...
By some miracle, the house is quiet. My daughter sleeps hard as the shades in her windows block out the afternoon sun. In the room next door, I hold my son close, dancing him to sleep while Audrey Hepburn...
When I was six years old, my family moved two blocks. It was such a short move that the movers propped one side of our swing set on the backside of the open moving van while my dad and...

Military Lifestyle

Boots In The House

We know firsthand how beneficial community can be. We want to show our Moms of Service Members that they have a safe place to...