Our house was hit hard this year. It started around Halloween and is still haunting us in the New Year. I don’t think we have made it a full week without someone in our house coming down with illness....
It occurred to me during a quick, effortless, yet efficient text exchange with a fellow military spouse as we hashed out the details of an upcoming event we were hosting for our squadron that “man, we could rule the...
If you are like us, you are finally getting back into what is normal life after the holidays. Between the holiday parties, school events, days off, and the massive amounts of food consumed during those few weeks ... it is...
“Sign us up!” my kids commanded after receiving mail from YMCA’s Camp Carson. Normally, I’d be put off by such demands, but this is one I’m happy to give in to. This will be the fifth year I send my...
I had never planned to have children outside of the United States. The hope for an overseas assignment always seemed like a long shot for my husband's career, and the thought of fighting a language barrier and different practices...
I grew up living the life of a "military brat." My dad served in the Air Force for twenty years. We used the term "military brat" as did everyone else we knew. It wasn't in an offensive way, it merely let...
#10 Overcoming A Life-Threatening Food Allergy With Oral Immunotherapy "As my daughter’s world continues to increase in size, my world feels more out of control. Or, at least it used to before OIT. The truth is that sometimes an EpiPen...
I know that December is a busy month for all of us. Between school functions, concerts, work parties, holiday traditions, and time with family and friends, it's a miracle that anyone has time for anything else! That is why...
Both of our children were born during a tour that was supposed to last four years, and we were only a mere three hours from our hometowns. That tour was cut short by a year when my husband was...
Christmas is quickly approaching, and if you're anything like me then you're now entering panic mode. Between Christmas shopping and budgeting and planning a holiday menu, you're probably feeling pretty wiped out already.  Here Comes the Holidays ... and the stress. Moms...
Moving overseas to a military post/base is one thing, but moving overseas to a place that is not affiliated with the military in any way is an entirely different beast. When you move to an overseas base, there are people...
I once thrived on current events and the daily buzz of world news that streamed to my phone and television. Now, it seems that I wait with bated breath for the next news update that will take my breath...

Military Lifestyle

Boots In The House

We know firsthand how beneficial community can be. We want to show our Moms of Service Members that they have a safe place to...